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Omaha Nebraska foreclosure homes

Q: If I lose my house in foreclosure are my chances of buying again lessened? – A: If you apply for a loan on another house your past foreclosure will show in your credit history. This does not mean you will not qualify for a loan; however you are less likely to receive, for instance, a low down payment loan. It is very important to stay informed and knowledgeable in how to stop the Foreclosure before it happens. There are people who are willing to take the time and help.


Omaha Nebraska foreclosure

What is strict foreclosure? – Not a common procedure, a strict foreclosure does not require a sale. Once the proceeding has begun, the borrower has only a certain amount of time to pay what is owed. After this time, the title reverts to the lender. Strict foreclosure has been seen in many Oregon and California cases, usually taking place regarding land contracts.