
Arlington Virginia foreclosure

Q4: How do I buy property I see posted on RealtyTrac? – Answer: How you go about buying a property posted on RealtyTrac depends on the property status. If the property is For Sale By Owner or a Resale Home, you would approach the owner or the listing agent to make an offer. If the property is in foreclosure, the process of buying will differ from the typical real estate purchase.


Arlington Texas foreclosure

Q: What does it mean to be in foreclosure? – A: According to, to foreclose is to deprive (you) the mortgagor of the right to redeem mortgaged property, when payments have not been made. When you have missed two months worth of payments you have defaulted on your loan, but you are not yet in foreclosure. The foreclosure proceedings will not initiate until the mortgage lender or bank submits paper work to a prosecuting attorney.